Finding success through virtual outplacement

  • Head Quarters Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia
  • Inustry Construction
  • Employees 5,000+

The Results

Ein Mann mit einem Fallschirm, der durch die Luft fliegt.

88% registration rate

88% of the participants offered services were highly engaged with the program and coaching services.

100% of participants landed

All participants landed in equal or better jobs as a result of our unique blended personalized approach to outplacement.

12.4 weeks average landing time

Participants landed in new jobs in just 12.4 weeks, almost 3x faster than the national average.

100% participant satisfaction

Participants were highly satisfied with the outcomes of their programs and services they received.

The Challenge

Day & Zimmermann’s workforce is spread across the country in various locations, with many employees working remotely.

Traditional face-to-face outplacement was not a viable option for them, with many locations not serviced by traditional providers.

Their workforce also varied drastically in their comfort level with adopting and using new technologies, making it challenging for them to navigate the current job market.

The Goal

Day & Zimmermann wanted to offer an outplacement solution that would be a good fit for all of their transitioning employees, regardless of location or technology literacy. They wanted their employees to be treated with compassion and to find their next position easily, which would help to preserve their status in the marketplace as an employer of choice.

The Solution

Careerminds’ virtual outplacement programs enabled Day & Zimmermann’s transitioning employees to leverage outplacement services wherever they were located, with continued support until landing.

Dedicated one-on-one coaching provided a completely customized experience for each participant.

The Careerminds technology platform is accessible 24/7 online, so employees were able to access job search tools and resources at their convenience, regardless of schedule or location.

The Result
88% registration rate
100% of participants landed
12.4 weeks average landing time
100% participant satisfaction

“Having to say goodbye to a teammate is never easy. Helping to support their transition is important to us. We chose Careerminds because of their commitment to our people until landing. We also appreciate the virtual component to be able to offer access to services no matter where they are located. This is critical for a geographically dispersed, diversified organization.”

– Erica Freedman, Vice President of Talent & Organizational Development at Day & Zimmermann

Benötigen Sie Unterstützung beim Outplacement?

Bei Careerminds stehen die Menschen an erster Stelle. Deshalb bieten wir personalisierte Talentmanagement-Lösungen jeder Ebene zu geringen Kosten an – weltweit.

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